The Time Tripping and the Planets is a continuation of the story of the Time Traveler book, where Gerard Bourque, the main character, is back in Layville, September 12, 1968, one year after finding the time machine.
This new odyssey leads Gerard and his wife, Susan, to get involved in a war to help his alien friends against alien enemies to conquer the Earth. Their allies involve friendly alien planets and Atlantis. They also again see their famous friends Leonardo da Vinci and Queen Elizabeth in the 1600s and George Washington in the 1700s and also go ahead in time to the 1980s Winter Olympics in Lake Placid, New York, amongst their many other adventures. This book, the sequel to The Time Traveler, is a love story about the people who travel in time, with adventure, danger, comedy, intrigue, and happiness; with allies from other planets; and with whales and dinosaurs. It has everything for a good story, but mostly, it has love between two people and their spirituality and their love of life. |